• A Guide on How to Care for Pearls

    A Guide on How to Care for Pearls

    Pearls have been used in jewelry as far back as Ancient Greece. Their timeless appeal makes them an excellent investment piece that you can pass down for generations. However, if you want your jewelry to last, you need to understand how to care for pearls.
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  • How to Stack Bangle Bracelets

    How to Stack Bangle Bracelets

    Did you know that those in their early thirties account for the most jewelry seekers? At least 47% of those that wear jewelry every day wear bracelets while other types of jewelry such as necklaces and earrings show to be more popular. We could say that one of the reasons for this is the lack of being able to find high-quality bangle bracelets or other pieces that are a good mixture of statement options and those that could match anything.
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